About this DAISY
The DAISY Bullseye Fifty invests in the top fifty digital assets, ranked by market capitalization. This provides exposure to both the top digital assets as well as upcoming projects in the space. Assets such as stablecoins, privacy coins or highly inflationary assets are removed from the selection, as they make no sense as investment or are not in line with local regulations.
Thanks to the weighting by market cap, winners will be increased in weight within the portfolio, while losers are automatically removed from the selection. The DAISY Bullseye Fifty has a maximum weight per asset of 10%, allowing the portfolio to be truly diversified across different assets.
Performance vs Benchmark
This graph shows the performance of the fund as percentage of the profit or loss per year in the past 5 years compared to its benchmark.
The Bullseye Fifty launched on 1 February 2022. For 2022, the diagram shows the returns from 1 February to 31 December. For 2023, it shows the period 1 January to 31 January 2023.
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Markets can develop very differently in the future. It can help you determine how the fund was managed in the past. The performance is shown after deduction of running costs. The exit fee of 0.30% is not included.
The benchmark is the S&P Cryptocurrency Broad Digital Market Index.
2023-01-01 to 2023-01-31
Bullseye Fifty January 2023 return
See dashboard.agga.capital for a live overview of the indicative NAVs of the DAISY fund.
Key facts of the DAISYs
Launch date | 2022-02-01 |
Minimum investment | € 100.000 |
Annual management fee | 1.20% |
Performance fee* | 4.00% |
Entry fee | None |
Exit fee | 0.30% |
Trading frequency | Monthly |
*will be reduced to 1% over 4 years
Click here to view the key information document for this fund (Dutch) and guiding memo (Dutch).
How do these DAISYs work exactly?
Agga’s team of analysts has made a selection of the key digital assets available and assigned labels to each of them, based on data from independent sources. This yields the ‘Agga Digital Asset Universe’, which makes it easy for us to generate custom portfolios specific to the core sectors within digital assets, such as DeFi or exchange tokens.
Some assets are excluded for practical or regulatory reasons (for example stablecoins and pure privacy coins). Based upon the remaining list and according to the specific fund methodology the fund composition is determined. Next step is that the fiat money (EUR) of the investor is converted into the selected digital assets via approved trading platforms. The acquired digital assets are as soon as practically possible stored in a cold wallet to minimize the risk of hacking. Every quarter a rebalance takes place on a predetermined date. The related transactions are based upon the same logic as described above, resulting in a better reflection of the market at that time. During this rebalancing typically only a small part of the holdings have to be traded – several percentage points – thus minimizing transaction costs for the investor.
How your assets are secured
All the digital assets which we invest in are safely stored with our partners at copper.co.
Assets are moved to exchanges only when needed for trading, otherwise held in cold wallets using multi-party computation.

Frequently Asked Questions
The minimal investment is EUR 100,000 per DAISY.
All the digital assets which we invest in are safely stored with our partners at copper.co.
Copper facilitates trading without moving assets to exchanges, eliminating the risk of hacked, frozen or misappropriated assets.
Yes, each of the DAISYs and the fund manager are officially registered at the AFM (AIFMD-light regime).
The DAISY is tradable every month. Registrations must be received by the fund manager one week before the end of each calendar month. This gives us enough time to complete the KYC onboarding process.
We will share the Net Asset Values (NAVs) weekly on our social platforms and our fund administrator will periodically share reports.